Monday, July 13, 2009

Reliance WiMax Broadband

Connection Tricks

  1. start --> control panel --> then goto properties of the local area connection -->click on (tcp/ip) --> properties -->and set the static ip in use the following ip address dialog box.
  2. start ur lan connection by right click on it and select enable
  3. Go to command prompt start --> run -->cmd
  4. type there c:\> telnet if it fails then telnet now u should have shell asking for username and password.
    • enter username : support
    • password : support
  5. Now You have access to the wimax via telnet
  6. then type antenna sh bs and hit enter key. It will show you something useful data, like signal strength and frequency
  7. Move ur antenna if u getting weak signal slightly and again type sh bs u will notice some changes. Do this procedure till you get high signal

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